解读柏林竞赛片|国产动画首次入围 张震争影帝

《独自在夜晚的海边》On the Beach at Night Alone 导演:洪尚秀Sang-soo Hong 主演:金敏喜Min-hie Kim、郑在泳Jae-yeong Jeong、伊莎贝尔-于佩尔Isabelle Huppert、权海孝Hae-hyo Kwon ...

Nana: Okay. Once upon a time, there lived a young man in a valley of Wuzhishan. He was such a good hunter that he became known to all. One day at dawn, he set out to go deer hunting in the mountains, crossing over hills and valleys, but he didn't g...

kick and 22 on the floor drumming her heels. Her parents always 23. That was why she was alone on the 24,wearing an expensive swimsuit.It had taken a massive tantrum to 25 her parents to buy it. They were back al the beach-house,26 from the tantrum...

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